Learn with InvestmentJoy

Whether you're just starting out or looking to apply your experience to a new industry, we're here to help.
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How Can We Help?

We want to provide value to your entrepreneurship journey, no matter what stage you're at. These steps will help you get started.

Step 1

Get started with our free resources. We have a huge collection of content on Youtube and Facebook, along with our free discord community.

Step 2

Explore a topic deeper through one of our intro courses. These are an affordable way to evaluate whether you want to invest your time and resources into a specific industry.

Step 3

Decide what path you want to take and utilize one of our full courses to learn everything you need to start. We specialize in Vending, Laundromats, Car Washes, and Real Estate, but our general business program can prepare you for whatever business you want to pursue.

Step 4

Once you've found what you want to focus on, join our group coaching program to learn from our subject matter experts and other community members.